Kampus Merdeka

Kampus Merdeka

Heat transfer between two solids not working

    • isaac.galeana.trujillo

      Hi guys, I hope you are doing good. 

      I really need help with my simulation, it is not working. I have prepared my CAD on Spaceclaim, parts: 8 cells, one Al cover and one cooling plate that has two channels. Each channel has an inlet and an outlet. I used the tool Share in SC to create the shared interfaces between components. I created the mesh with a good quality, then I simulated the system (I have done this several times) but the heat generated by the cells is not transfered to the cooling plate (cells > cover > cooling plates and fluid). The result is always the same, the cells get hot but the heat is never transfered to the solids and fluids. 

      I have checked many times the BC, and there are interfaces between the cells and the cover, cover and cooling plate and fluid. So I don't know what could be the problem, the settings show that they are coupled. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please can you replot with node values off and on a plane cutting through the domain? You may need to alter the scale to see cooling depending on the set up. 

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