

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Heat transfer among Fluid Solid Solid

    • goldersantu

      Hello Everyone,

      I'm doing heat transfer simulation. A box is contained with steam, the box is also covered with two solid materials. Each material has certain thickness around 20 mm and those are contacting each other. While I did simulation it seems at the contact face of two solid material not working. How can I fix this problem?

      Note: I modeled and meshed in ANSYS.



    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      Can you please add some more information about the solver used and details regarding the simulations? Please add images as many as you can.

    • goldersantu

      Please see the following picture. The picture has all information. I've monitored inside wood wall temperature. The temperature should be changed but it showed constant till the end of time.


    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      Please use the insert image tool. As ANSYS Stuff I cannot download attachments.

    • goldersantu

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      So you have a conformal mesh with three zones. Which Solver are you now using: Fluent, CFX? Please attach screenshots of the boundary conditions in the Solver? How does the Solver interpret the contact walls between the different zones?


      I recommend to create named selections for the edge lines separating steam and wood, and wood and the other outer zone, give it name and then transfer to the Solver. ANSYS Fluent for example will create for it, a wall/wall-shadow wall pair.

    • goldersantu

      Hello Amine,

      I'm using fluent. If you have any tutorial please give me. 

      I modeled in ANSYS design modeler and meshed in ANSYS. Now I'm trying to solve in FLUENT. Mainly the interface wall of two solid wall is not talking each other.

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      I recommend to create named selections for the edge lines separating steam and wood, and wood and the other outer zone, give it name and then transfer to the Solver. ANSYS Fluent for example will create for it, a wall/wall-shadow wall pair.

      Add a screenshot out of ANSYS Fluent on the problematic boundary.

    • goldersantu

      I created name with the edges lines for each wall i.e. Outside wall and inside wall for each zone and run the simulation for an hour (time step). But the temperature is not changing still constant at the inner wall of the box.

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      Then please share with us all screenshots describing the deployed boundaries in ANSYS Fluent.

    • goldersantu

      Ok, I'll create it and share with you as soon as possible. I'll create air instead of steam and two different solid material.

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      Do not forget to use Ideal Gas Law as EOS for air or Steam.

    • goldersantu

      For meshing do I've to create "Form new part " in design modeler ?

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      Yes to have a multibody part (single part containing the three sub-parts) to get a conformal mesh. Otherwise, you will get a non-conformal mesh which is okay but might complicate the things a bit as you are a beginner.

    • goldersantu

      Can you share your email address I could send you my file.

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      As ANSYS Stuff my assistance is limited to this community. Just insert the screenshot so that we can have a look into your setup.

    • goldersantu

      I added "Form new part" and meshed but it gave the following error.

    • goldersantu

      Please see the following pictures

    • goldersantu

      After overlapping failure of mesh I defined center wall is a solid aerogel wall as shown in the figure of boundary condition. Temperature is constant as you see at the end of picture. Aerogel outside wall temperature was defined 295 K. The temperature of the inside glass wall should be changed but remained constant.

    • goldersantu

      It seems at the contacting face of two solid material heat is not transferring. Can you tell me how can I fix this.

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      That means you do not have anymore the mesh failure?

      Can you make a contour plot of temperature or make facet average along the wall instead of vertex average?

      Please run for more time as diffusion in solid require a lot of time (that is why we usually use a "pseudo" time scale based on the thermal diffusivity. Moreover please go to the Flux Report and make a Total Heat Transfer Report which will tell us if there is heat transfer or not.


    • goldersantu

      There is no mesh failure. I've run this simulation for 170 seconds. It is still constant.

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      What are the boundary conditions in the fluid domain? What is the boundary condition for the outer wall (aerogel outside wall)? What does the Flux Report tell you?

    • goldersantu

      I've solved this problem. Thank you.

    • ankit5821
      Please tell me how you solved it. I have a similar problem
    • ankit5821
      please tell how, I have a similar problem
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