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heat simulation

    • Victoria Zhang

      I have a heat simulation file modified from the c118296f-thermal-switch example.

      But when I tried to run the simulation, it always stopped at step 1/6 with a Job error as shown below.

      Could you provide some suggestions?

      Thanks a lot.

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      I guess you mean this example https://optics.ansys.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042323154-Thermal-switch  next time please give example link instead of download folder name.

      I used 2024R1.3 for a test and it works fine.

      new version is relased yesterday so please try the newest version.


    • Victoria Zhang

      Thanks for your reply.

      I build a new simulation by myself. But it had another error "

      Refinement limit exceeded for optical generation rate constraint. The mesh is valid but may not be adequately refined."

      Could you give some comments on this error?



    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      This error is normal: it means that the generation rate is high and needs finer mesh. However the mesh iteration has reached its max number. You may try to reduce the injection power with smaller scaling when importing the generation rate for an inital test. Once it works you may consider increasing the MAX REFINE STEPS or adjusting the SENSITIVITY setting to allow for more refinement where needed. This can help ensure that the mesh is adequately refined to capture the necessary detail in the electrical quantities' variation, especially in areas with significant changes in the optical generation rate. https://optics.ansys.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034918633-CHARGE-solver-Simulation-object

      Please note that the forum policy is one post for one topic. If the problem changes please write a new post. Thank you!



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