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Heat flux creation error in a 2D transient thermal model

    • Laure

      Hi all,
      I am trying to add a heat flux component to my 2D model. I have tried to assign a face or edge to the heat flux Geometry tap, but it remains highlighted in yellow as if nothing has been assigned. Then, when I run the model I got the following error message: "This object is attached to a topology shared by more than one body. The solution cannot proceed until this is fixed."
      I created the model geometry using DesignModeler (see attached model snapshot). I first sketched a square, then a circle (heat source) inside the square and so on. Then, I created the surfaces from the sketches (click on Concept, then click on Surfaces from Sketches). Next, I subtracted the overlapping surfaces using the Boolean option (click on Create, then click on Boolean and select Subtract, add the two surfaces to target and tool bodies, and select Yes on Preserve Tool Bodies). What I notice with this procedure is that the body parts share edges, so not sure if this is what is causing problems. I will really appreciate your thoughts. Thanks in advance.

    • Laure


      I read a previous post titled "Shared topology error message" and could fix the error. I just went to DesignModeler and selected None in Shared Topology Method for the body part contaning all model bodies.

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator

      Hi @Laureno - it looks like the issue is resolved.



      Ashish Khemka

    • Laure

      Hi Ashish,

      Yes, the model is running now. Thank you.

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