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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

heat carried by the coolant

    • Koruth

        We have a aluminium casing through which there are 4 channels that carry a coolant.The properties of the coolant used ie transformer oil have been entered at the inlet of the inlet conditions. The interior of the casing is maintained at 390 C and there is a constant heat flux of 23000W/m2. The inlet is set as a pressure inlet and the inlet temperature are 2 bar and 5 C. We aren't able to specify any convective property at the solid liquid interface.As a result of which there isn't a temperature rise at the outlet.The heat given to the inner surface of the casing is not translated to the coolant passing through the channel of the casing.

      Can i get any information on to why there isn't a rise in temperature at the outlet end of the channel.

      Thanks in advance 





    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You should have a wall-wall:shadow pair between fluid & solid with coupled wall type. If you don't the fluid & solid parts may not know about the other. 

    • Koruth

      The wall-wall shadow is with coupled wall type option.But still we aren't able to establish the relation between the fluid and the solid zones. Can we know what are the possible means to enable the fluid to carry the heat. The contours obtained from the analysis doesn't seem to justify a proper cooling for the casing.The image shown below is for the fluid channel.



    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee

      Check first of all under Flux Reports and Total Heat Transfer Rate if fluxes are exchanged over the connection wall. A better description of the case including pics of geometry and named selection could also helpful for us to assist.

    • Koruth

      There is heat transfer between the wall and shadow region but it is zero at the contact regions. Can we know whether the method we are following is right ?

      Thank you



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      How many volumes do you think you have and need?  Flow in a pipe would usually need two zones, the fluid and the solid.  I can see 5 in that image. 

    • Koruth

      The solid zone is the part001 in the assembly and the part002 are the coolant channels that pass through the casing.

      Thank you




    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you have wall & wall:shadow what contact regions are you talking about?

    • Koruth

      Ansys created 4 contact regions between the fluid and the solid while opening fluent. We weren't able to specify any boundary conditions to these regions.

      Thank you



    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      Which boundary is assigned then? INterface?
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