General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Hashin failure criteria

    • Oimpa


      I have a question about prograssive damage in frp.

      in Damage Initiation Criteria i use Hashin criteria for all 4 failure modes.

      Can I use MPDG method for damage evolution when i use Hashin criteria for Damage Initiation?

    • jj77

      I would imagine so. Hashin is a failure criteria, while is MPDG is damage evolution, which is degrading the material, once damage initiation (failure, e.g., according to Hashin) has occurred  (e.g., reducing stiffness of elements ones damaged). So they go hand in hand.

    • Oimpa

      For the top table, I said this sentence

    • jj77

      As mentioned I would imagine that it works since it does not say like for CDM that Hashin is the only criteria that can be used, it says 1,..19 so it says that it includes all failure criteria. Give it a try and see how the material degrades once damaged, and look at the damage progression.


      If you are looking into the apdl commands for Hashin failure this paper describes it well. Hope it helps


      Copy paste link into your browser:


    • Oimpa

      Thank you very much for your help

    • jj77

      No worries. Glad I could be of help. Please if this has answered your question mark it as closed. Many thanks. jj77

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