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GPU Acceleration for Inverse Design with Lumopt

    • partha.nakti


      I'm using the Lumopt Python API with Lumerical FDTD for inverse design simulations and encountered an error (see attached) when attempting to enable GPU (Nvidia Geforce Rtx 4090) acceleration. I had three unoccupied FDTD licenses at the time.

      Is GPU acceleration supported for inverse design tasks using Lumopt? Could the error be related to licensing, or is GPU acceleration incompatible with inverse design?

      Thank you.

    • Lito
      Ansys Employee


      Python API or Optimization (lumapi/lumopt) requires a GUI connection and will checkout a GUI license. See this KB for more info. GPU is only used when you run the simulation file (.fsp). 

      Are you able to open the Lumerical FDTD CAD/IDE? 

      /opt/lumerical/v232/bin/fdtd-solutions & 

      How are you configuring your simulation and resources to use GPU when running the simulation?  (see KB for details) 

      Which Linux distro and version are you on? 

      cat /etc/*release

      Which specific release of Lumerical 2023 R2 are you running? 

      /opt/lumerical/v232/bin/fdtd-solutions -v 
      /opt/lumerical/v232/bin/fdtd-engine -v

      Looking forward to your reply.

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