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Getting started in the use of supercomputers to simulate in CHemkin

    • alexiscovab

      I really need some help. 
      I need to do some simple flame velocity simulations in CHEMKIN. But I need to do them on a Linux-based supercomputer. As an average CHEMKIN user, with zero experience in using this kind of computing power: can anyone help me by giving me an address on or off Ansys to guide me for this. The supercomputer guys just tell me to create a script. 

      Is there a way to just create an initial file on my Chemkin desktop and send it to the supercomputer? Is there an Ansys application that does this for you?

      Please, if there is a link to clarify that would be great.



    • Ren
      Ansys Employee


      Chemkin does not run in parallel except for parametric studies where multiple parametric runs can process  in parallel. Therefore, Chemkin is typically run on a desktop computer and does not requrie a supercomputer. If you really want to run Chemkin in batch, you can prepare the run interactively on your desktop and then use the commandline to run in batch. You can find information on the Chemkin commandline interface in the user guide:

      Chapter 4: Using the Command Line


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