General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Getting path temperature through mAPDL

    • thermalsr71

      Hello, My mAPDL model contains several paths inside a name selection, along which I calculate the temperature and output it to a file. I would like to visualize the path, either in POST or PRE-treatment, only to see if I am correctly setting it. 
      However, I do not know the commands to do that in APDL. 

      Can someone help me please? 

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee





      Not sure exactly what you mean as you mention named selections which is workbench (WB) / mech. related - in mapdl it (named selection) is called components so cm command is used - the below might be of some help perhaps.

      The below video shows how to get results on a path in mapdl:



      And the apdl manual:


      7.2. Reviewing Results in POST1 (


      See here how to open and see the above help link:



      The below shows how to get results on a path in WB/Mechanical:


      All the best






    • thermalsr71

      Thank you Erik, but that does not really work for me since the paths that I create (through APDL commands in the ANSYS Mechanical environment) do not appear when I load either the db or the rth file in ANSYS APDL.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee

      You can open up a support request and we will be happy to help you there.

      Closing here.

      All the best


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