TAGGED: error, out-of-range
October 31, 2021 at 5:38 pmmwhitbySubscriber
Here is the part of the code giving me the error:
h =1;
SiO2_thick_range = [.5e-6, 2e-6];
SiO2_thick_max = SiO2_thick_range(2);
SiO2_thick_min = SiO2_thick_range(1);
SiO2_thick_diff = SiO2_thick_max - SiO2_thick_min;
SiO2_thick = SiO2_thick_min +0.1*h*SiO2_thick_diff;
electrode_thick = 0.1e-6;
sidewall = SiO2_thick - 2*electrode_thick;
z_center_point = electrode_thick + sidewall/2;
set("left sidewall","z",z_center_point); #THIS IS THE LINE THAT GIVES THE ERROR
I'm really confused why I'm getting this error since z_center_point = 0.325 and sidewall = 0.45. So the problem is not negative values. I tried entering these values directly into the edit window and it worked fine. I need to get this to work in the code though.
My problem was that I had forgotten to use "setnamed" insteat of "set" (*facepalm*). This Is fixed now.
November 1, 2021 at 8:40 pmGuilin SunAnsys EmployeeYou are right that "set" is used when an object is selected, no need to mention its name. Whereas "setnamed" will specify the object name.
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