January 7, 2024 at 9:17 am
Frederic Wu
SubscriberMay I ask what is the output of getelectric?
Here, the monitor is a 3D monitor. Is there a way I can find the sum of the E field intensity across the entire 3D area the monitor covers by fixing my current code? How can I find the total electric field intensity in the volumn the monitor covers and plot it against different wavelengths the monitor measures?
January 9, 2024 at 11:10 am
Niki Papachristou
Ansys EmployeeHi Frederic,
Thank you for reaching out to us! getelectric returns the E field intensity, whatever the dimension of the simulation and/or monitor: getelectric - Script command. You can also pick up the wavelength from a monitor using the getdata - Script command
f = getdata(monitorname,"f");
wavelength = c/f;Kind Regards,
January 9, 2024 at 2:17 pm
Frederic Wu
I understand but this does not really answer my question. As shown by the screenshot above, line 6 has a problem. The lumerical application says that the data getelectric() returns is not an array. So I do not really know how to fix my code. According to you, the data returned should be a 3D array because I used a 3D monitor. However, this does not seem to be the case.
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