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Geometry Update in Workbench from Space Claim!

    • najeeb.rahman

      Hello, When there is change in Spacclaim geometry, particularly adding/replacing the components, how this could be updated in Workbench, when there is lot of work regarding defining the size or creating the contacts has been done in Workkbench Mechanical. In “Geometry” cell, there is option of “Update”, but this is not updating the modified geometry file linked to Workbench project. There is other option of, “Replace Geometry” the space Claim file with modified/added/replaced geometry is the same, when this option is used, does the Work of defining “Sizing”, and “Contacts” created between the not modified geometry will still be there?

      Thanks for the help.

    • najeeb.rahman

      The option of " Replace Geometry" in Work Bench does keeps the previous prepartion work of "Sizing" and "Contacts Created" for the unmodified geometry/parts and the new modified geomtry/parts are being updated as well.


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