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Geometry nonlinear FEM iteration process ( How to compute internal force?)

    • dhjang4522


      Hello everyone,

      I am working on implementing a nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) code in MATLAB. I have verified that my linear analysis results are accurate and that the initial displacement values match perfectly with those from ANSYS. However, when I proceed to compute internal forces and perform iterations for the nonlinear analysis, I am encountering issues where the residuals do not decrease and the iteration process diverges.

      Here's a summary of my approach and where I suspect the issue might be:

      • Nonlinear Analysis Process:

        • In each iteration, I update the global stiffness matrix by adding the stress stiffness matrix .



        • I compute using the Cauchy stress tensor  in the global cartesian system and then use it to determine the local coordinate system's Cauchy stress vector.( By mltiplying Rotation matrix/ value doesn't changed a lot)
        • The strain-displacement matrix is used for linear stiffness matrix calculations, which I believe is correctly implemented as it matches with linear analysis results.



      The issue is that the newton raphson restoring force(internal force) become excessively large, causing the iterations to diverge.

      I have ensured that the strain-displacement matrix is used correctly and consistently, as it is crucial for calculating the linear stiffness matrix.


      When computing the internal forces, I average the strains at Gaussian points and multiply them by the  Since the only new value I am calculating is the Cauchy stress tensor, I suspect that this might be the source of the problem.   

      Given the above, is there a common pitfall or error in the approach of incorporating the stress stiffness matrix into the global stiffness matrix that could cause divergence?


      Any insights or suggestions to help resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you in advance for your assistance

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee


      Please check the below Ansys video on the Newton-Raphson method.

      Newton Raphson Method | Ansys Innovation Courses

      Also, you can check the forum question mentioned below:

      What does Stress Stiffening means and why does it happen if Large Deflection = ON? (ansys.com)


      Akshay Maniyar

      • dhjang4522

        Thank you for your response.

        I appreciate the information provided, but the links you shared only cover the process of Newton-Raphson method and do not address how to calculate internal forces.

        Upon review, it seems that the issue may lie in the process of calculating element cauchy stresses, as other matrices appear to be functioning correctly.

        Could you please provide details on how to accurately compute internal forces from the element stresses?

        Any related resources or references would be greatly appreciated.

        Thank you!

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee


      Please check the below link to a forum question and see if it helps.

      Calculation of displacement from nodes on the interface of two materials (ansys.com)


      Akshay Maniyar

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