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Geometry inconsistencies

    • lenicker.bezerra


      I just designed this CSTR geometry using SpaceClaim as the figure below shows it:

      The next step would be the meshing but I decided to make some adjustments before the mesh independence study. So I tried to place a inner cylinder in order to create a region with a more refined mesh but I got this as result:

      I hid the external wall for a better view of what's happening, so basically you can see when I added the inner cylinder, the SpaceClaim removed part of the shaft and add a new part below the rotational region. With all that in mind, my question is how do I create the inner cylinder without affecting the rest of the geometry? 

      Thank you very much, 


    • CFD_Friend
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Lenicker ,

      Select all the geometry and right click on your mouse and choose 'move to new component'. This will keep the selected geometry as a component. Now create an inner cylinder. Now after you have created the inner cylinder and feel like you dont want the other geometry as a component, you can select the geometries inside the component, press Ctrl+X to cut them, and then press Ctrl+V to paste them. This will bring them out of the component.

    • lenicker.bezerra

      Thank you so much!! Your instructions really helped me 

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