

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

    • Hayden Perrin

      Hello, I am continually getting an error while trying to perform an FSI of a rubber tube with a constriction within the tube and water flow at mass flow rate = .0125*sin(6.28t) +.0635. This is a fluctuating flow of (1GPM). I keep getting an error in my transient CFX saying highly distorted element, and the simulation fails at .6 seconds. When increasing the youngs modulus, or using other materials such as steel, the program works fine. But the moment i bring these values back to 1.5MPa for the rubber I am using I get this error. I can see it seems to be a large jump in the deformation for transient structural at .6 seconds, when using a .1second time step, while the rubber elastic modulus is increased to 2MPa that allowa the simulation to run fully. I have tried to decrease my time step down to .01 but still am getting the same errors. Do I need to reduce this time step even more, or better adjust my mesh in CFX? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee
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