General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Force/Moment extraction (“FSUM”) in ACT Ansys Mechanical

    • breno.dealmeida

      Using APDL commands, we can get the sum of the nodal forces and moments of all nodes associated to a surface defined through a named selection using FSUM. For example:

      CMSEL, S, my_named_selection
      RSYS, 0
      FSUM, RSYS,
      *GET, Fx, FSUM, 0, ITEM, FX

      I would like to do something similar using ACT Python scripting.

      From this discussion, it is possible to get the mesh and the node IDs associated to a named selection.

      From the "ACT Customization guide for Mechanical" we learn how to GetResultData() from an analysis, e.g.:

      analysis = ExtAPI.DataModel.AnalysisList[0]
      reader = analysis.GetResultsData()
      something = reader.GetResult("?????") # What should I retrieve here?
      something.GetNodeValues(nodeIds) # nodeIds obtained from the aformentioned discussion using dpf.

      However, I do not know what to retrieve in order to be able to get the the sum of the forces at the nodes of the named selection.

      I have read somewhere that it is possible to right-click the "Solution" of an analysis in Ansys Mechanical, select "Worksheet: Result Summary", and then select "Available Solution Quantities" in order to view which data types can be retrieved using GetResult(). However, my worksheet only shows "Invalid Result File", even though no errors were thrown and I can still view all other results (such as probes).

      This topic is a continuation of FSUM in ANSYS Mechanical, which I do not understand how it ended being helpful, since as far as I know it is not possible to create a Force Reaction probe associated to a surface, only to boundary conditions.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee




      There are many posts on getting reactions in the dedicated script forum:

      Search there for reaction.


      Any questions on that post in that forum (this forum is for more non-script related mechanical questions).





    • breno.dealmeida


      Hi Erik,

      Thank you for your answer. I might have found what I was looking for in this post.





    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee





      There are many posts on reactions (via dpf say), and some with act mech. script, one is below using the reults reader:


      All the best


      Closing here as others might find this interesting.





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