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Fluid/Mechanical System Coupling results

    • ngarcia_ncs

      Hello all,

      I'm a student user and have a system coupling simulation between Transient Structural and Fluid Flow (Fluent). It also uses the Piezo MEMS extension.

      Simulation goal: generate ultrasound waves from an applied force to a liquid layer in fluent, and transmit them to a stee structure via a fluid-solid interface. Also, detect these ultrasound waves using a piezoelectric body at the opposite end of a steel bar.

      Settings overview: Source - fluent. Target - transient structural. Variable - force.

    • Stephen Orlando
      Ansys Employee
      The .dat and .geo files are EnSight files. Please see this tutorial. You can also load the Fluent and Mechanical results in EnSight. The System Coupling EnSight results (.geo, .dat, ) only contain data on the coupling interface. https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v212/en/sysc_tut/sysc_tut_gen_postprocessing.html
      With this setup, force will be transferred from Fluent to Mechanical and the solid body will deform as a result. However since there is no incremental displacement data transfer, the displacement calculated in Mechanical will not be transferred back to Fluent.
    • ngarcia_ncs
      Thank you, Steve! After reading your comment I reached out to my University software office, and they provided me with some ANSYS resources. Since last year I have also modified the simulation so now there is an incremental data transfer.
      I asked the previous researcher how he processed the results and he told me he did not use EnSight. He doesn't work for our lab anymore and lives on the other side of the country so communication is difficult. Now I'm trying to figure out how to extract the raw voltage vs. time data from my simulation with the two data transfers. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
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