Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

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Fluent TUI for models Add-on

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    • 2510627y

      I loaded add-on Reduced Order Model module in Fluent and I want to evaluate (with changing parameters) it by TUI. But I can not find relative command. Following journal is what I record from GUI: 

      (cx-gui-do cx-set-list-tree-selections "NavigationPane*Frame2*Table1*List_Tree2" (list "Setup|Models|Reduced Order Model (On)"))
      (cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "Reduced Order Model*Frame2*Frame2(Evaluate)*PushButton2(Evaluate)")
      (cx-gui-do cx-set-real-entry-list "Reduced Order Model*Frame2*Frame2(Evaluate)*Table1(Parameters used for ROM creation:)*RealEntry5" '( 280))
      (cx-gui-do cx-set-real-entry-list "Reduced Order Model*Frame2*Frame2(Evaluate)*Table1(Parameters used for ROM creation:)*RealEntry11" '( 350))
      (cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "Reduced Order Model*Frame2*Frame2(Evaluate)*PushButton2(Evaluate)")
      (I choose TUI beacuse it is well supported by Python.)
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Not all of the add on modules have a full TUI command structure. Once the model is activated try searching for terms in the Solver panel. 

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