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fluent relaxation factor

    • Saeed



      I have a question regarding the relaxation factor in fluent. I noticed that there is high order term relaxation in fluent/solution/method and there are relaxation factors also in fluent/solution/ Control . I wanted to know what is the difference between these two ?



    • SRP
      Ansys Employee



      Under-Relaxation Factors contains the under-relaxation factors for all equations that are being solved with the pressure-based solver

      High order relaxation enables the relaxation of high order terms to aid in the solution behavior of flow simulations when higher order spatial discretization is used.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      And to add both are explained in the Solver section(s) of the manuals. 

    • Saeed

      thank you for your reply.

      unfortunately, I have an academic account and do not have access to them. i know that they should be decreased slighltly and need to be below 1. i would really appreciate it if you can explain how i can use both at the same time. 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you click on Help in Fluent you'll get straight to the User's Guide. 

    • Saeed

      Thank you for your help,

      I just have one more question, I know that for under relaxation factors , changing them to a lower value it needs less iterations but takes more time. I want know if the same thing happens for high order term relaxation ?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      More iterations if you decrease the value. HOTR blends the discretisation scheme so may take more time but iterations required should be unaffected. 

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