

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Fluent Opening and Closing instantly

    • tt01oliverzeng

      Hi, I am trying to use Fluent, and it just opens and then quickly closes itself. I have already redownloaded fluent and run the configurator. The other Ansys products work well (I tried mechanical, SpaceClaim, etc). I am not sure what the problem is any more. I am using the student edition, freshly downloaded straight from website.

    • tt01oliverzeng

      Update: I ran it in workbench so I can get more error message details. This is what I got:

      The FLUENT application failed to validate the connection.

    • tt01oliverzeng
      Build Time: May 13 2024 11:28:30 EST  Build Id: 10192  
      legacy Provider loading failed 
      EVP_DecryptInit. could not load the shared library

      I also got this error in the form of a file when I ran in the console

    • daniel.schafhaeutle

      I got the exact same error too. Using Student edition. 


    • tt01oliverzeng

      My understanding is there is something wrong with OpenGL. Another program may have downloaded a different version than what Ansys utilizes. So you have to find said program file and remove it, but then the other program will stop working (might stop working). I gave up trying to figure out which one, so I just reset my windows (clean reinstall). Really dumb and not really a good solution, but it works. If you figure out any other solutions, please let me know!!!

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