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Fluent not passing data to Rocky


    • Ricardo Mevert


      Fluent doesn't seem to be able to pass data to Rocky. The Workbench's status gets stuck on "obtaining Fluent information", which might indicate a pairing error. Any idea what might be causing this? 

    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      Which version of fluent you are using? Can you please explain issue in more details so that it will help us to resolve?

      Thank you.

    • Marcelo Precoppe

      In addition, I would suggest running the co-simulation without using Workbench and checking if any errors occur.

    • Haikal Fouzi


      Experienced the same issue and I managed to check fluent transcript when Rocky is trying to import data from fluent. Seems like there’s undefined variable that’s being called by scheme file “Rocky-Fluent-export.scm” thus the process will stuck in limbo. Ansys should have better error handling method for their product.

      Fluent version: 2022 R2.02
      Rocky Version:
      Fluent transcript


      Quick fix for now is to manually compile rocky udf into fluent session and export the necessary file for the rocky simulation. Step is as below:
      1. Load case and data file in a fluent session

      2. Compile rocky udf module in the fluent session using below commands (modify accordingly with respect to your fluent version)

      (define rocky/library-path “C:/Program Files/ANSYS Inc/v222/Rocky/fluent/udfs/”)
      file/read-macros “C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v222\Rocky\fluent\udfs\rocky_fluent_coupling.scm”

      3. Rocky Export module will be loaded in your fluent session. Configure your export directory, variables to export, & output frequency before attempting to export your data.
      4. Once export is successful, a message box and success message will appear in the console
      5. All the necessary file for rocky one-way coupling will be stored in your export dir including the *.f2r file.


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