September 10, 2023 at 11:23 am
Aadya Goel
SubscriberI'm getting this error with meshing. Please help!!
"Error: The surface meshing was not successful. Import the CAD outside the workflow and use Diagnostics to identify problematic faces." Where could I use diagnostics?
Entire Console error:
Reading "C:Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680\TaskObject3.msh.h5" ...
3D mesh
nodes: 8575
edges: 2047
faces: 13146
cells: 0
reading 1 node zones
reading 26 edge zones
reading 12 face zones
generating pointers...done.
extracting boundary entities...
8575 boundary nodes.
13146 boundary faces.
12 boundary face zones.
analyzing boundary connectivity...done.
Writing "C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680\TaskObject3.msh.h5" ...
writing 1 node zones
writing 26 edge zones
writing 12 face zones
---------------- The Global Max size was adjusted to 256
processing size functions/scoped sizing to create Size Field...
Writing "C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680\Geom.sf"...
Writing "C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680\Geom.sf"...
Importing one mesh object per program-controlled and one zone per body ...
C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\ANSYS Student\v231\commonfiles\CPython\3_7\winx64\Release\python\..\Ansys\TGrid\CADReaders.py started by aadya on Aadya winx64 on Sun Sep 10 16:48:55 2023
using Python 3.7.13 (remotes/origin/3b89b4a151d5e27a7d119919e370e421549562b8-dirty:3b89b4a1, Sep 23 2) [MSC v.1920 64 bit (AMD64)]
using Ansys.Meshing.FieldMesher build Nov 23 2022 18:41:14
running ANSYS TGrid CADToTGridConverter ...
setting up parameters ...
setting up parameters done.
running conversion ...
converting 1 file(s) from Workbench to FLTG using output path 'C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680/out169434473522680.tgf'
converting file 'Geom.scdoc.pmdb' (1 of 1) from Workbench to FLTG using output path 'C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680'
importing data ...
importing meshing model from PartMgr from file 'C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680\\Geom.scdoc.pmdb' ...
setting enclosure and symmetry processing to False
setting transfer named selections to True
setting named selection prefixes to ''
setting mixed import resolution type to 'SolidAndSurface'
setting target application to 'FluentMeshing'
initializing part manager from file ...
processing assembly 'C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\Geom.scdoc' with ID 1 and reference key '
length unit = [m]
processing part 'Enclosure' with ID 3
processing part 'Geom' with ID 5
processing part 'Geom' with ID 7
processing named selection 'inlet'
processing named selection 'outlet'
processing named selection 'symmetry'
processing named selection 'ground'
processing named selection 'walls'
processing named selection 'boi-farfield'
processing named selection 'boi-nearfield'
processing named selection 'front-wheel'
processing named selection 'rear-wheel'
processing named selection 'diffuser'
processing named selection 'chassis'
processing data ...
loading size function background grid from file 'C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680\\Geom.sf' ...
reading size function background grid file 'C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680\\Geom.sf' ...
Read 373743 vertices
initializing size function background grid done in 0.204 [s]
Front could not be closed at e1283 (519.963531 2509.589793 2691.809740)
Front could not be closed at e1356 (533.546826 2509.993730 2372.801629)
Front could not be closed at be1611 (947.569623 2466.717905 2110.935642)
Front could not be closed at be1888 (947.022487 2391.456644 1846.997524)
Duplicate front Edge at (517.395498 2521.221025 2750.383845)
tessellating 131 faces done in 117.694 [s]
removing named collections of entities ...
removing named collections of entities stopped, no named collections selected.
analyzing feature edges ...
detecting feature edges, feature angle = 40 [deg] ...
Data information
Meshing model
'LengthUnit': '[mm]'
Entity summary:
Collection: 11
Component : 4
Body : 3
Shell : 3
Face : 131
Loop : 141
Edge : 378
Vertex : 257
Surface : 131
Curve : 378
Tessellation summary:
Face facets : 515144
Edge segments: 17740
Bounding box:
(-801.7491455078125, 465.8739624023438, -1304.310546875) x (947.6422729492188, 2553.24609375, 7477.29150390625)
Assembly component hierarchy:
'C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\Geom.scdoc'
exporting FLTG data to file 'C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680\out169434473522680.tgf' ...
writing face-based mesh file 'C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680\out169434473522680.tgf' ...
======== Exported Data ========
Entity summary:
Object : 3
Object region: 15
Zone : 44
running conversion done.
running ANSYS TGrid CADToTGridConverter done.
ran ANSYS TGrid CADToTGridConverter in 119.123 [s]
======== Command Execution Log Manager ========
Number of execution logs: 1
EntityIDs = (1141, 1144, 1174)
Points = ()
Reading "C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680/out169434473522680.tgf"...
Reading "C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680/out169434473522680.tgf"...
nodes: 271084
edges: 12462
faces: 515143
cells: 0
reading 271084 storage data (id 1, type 41, double precision binary).
appending mesh...
generating pointers...done.
extracting boundary entities...
279659 boundary nodes.
528289 boundary faces.
26 boundary face zones.
Reading "C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680\Geom.sf"...
Reading "C:\Users\aadya\Desktop\Amrita Racing\cfd trial 2_files\dp0\Geom\DM\FM_Aadya_22680\Geom.sf"...
Read 373743 vertices
Warning: Deleting empty objects (geom-boi1)
removed 116174 faces.
Warning: Deleting empty objects (geom-boi2)
removed 99784 faces.
132 boundary nodes.
0 faces removed.
Mesh topology corrupted at nodes bn265154 and bn266790.
couldn't remove node at (947.148 2373.66 1811.92) from mesh46 boundary nodes.
175 faces removed.
51 faces are deleted1 boundary nodes.
0 faces removed.
201 boundary nodes.
181 faces removed.
20 faces are deleted7 boundary nodes.
0 faces removed.
Warning: Failed to remesh 7 area(s). Just mesh size adaptation was done for those area(s).
Faces in those area(s) have been marked.
220 faces are deleted---- Warning--- Repair (Patch) adjacent to zone symmetry was not successful
121 boundary nodes.
54 faces removed.
58 faces are deleted163 boundary nodes.
89 faces removed.
25 faces are deleted2 boundary nodes.
0 faces removed.
Warning: Failed to remesh 29 area(s). Just mesh size adaptation was done for those area(s).
Faces in those area(s) have been marked.
104 faces are deleted---- Warning--- Repair (Patch) adjacent to zone diffuser was not successful
Deleted 1 faces with 3 free edges.
Deleted 2 faces with 2 free edges.
Deleted 0 faces with 3 free edges.
Deleted 0 faces with 2 free edges.
removed 9013 faces.
removed 1959 faces.
---- Warning--- Free faces still exists in the model on ((diffuser chassis)) zones. If that is not expected, the surface meshing was not successful. Import the CAD outside the workflow and use Diagnostics to identify problematic faces
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn256278-bn256069 (544.096529 2501.345913 2322.370044).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn256278-bn256069 (544.096529 2501.345913 2322.370044).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn256069-bn256278 (544.096529 2501.345913 2322.370044).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn256069-bn256278 (544.096529 2501.345913 2322.370044).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn256278-bn256069 (544.096529 2501.345913 2322.370044).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn256278-bn256069 (544.096529 2501.345913 2322.370044).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn256069-bn256278 (544.096529 2501.345913 2322.370044).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn256069-bn256278 (544.096529 2501.345913 2322.370044).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn256069-bn256278 (544.096529 2501.345913 2322.370044).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn4263-bn4261 (721.352966 2384.141113 3426.622070).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn4261-bn4263 (721.352966 2384.141113 3426.622070).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn937-bn929 (795.690704 2516.571289 2873.401367).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn929-bn937 (795.690704 2516.571289 2873.401367).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn929-bn936 (795.371460 2516.207886 2873.483032).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Found overlapping faces sharing edge bn936-bn929 (795.371460 2516.207886 2873.483032).
The regions may not be computed correctly.
Error: The surface meshing was not successful. Import the CAD outside the workflow and use Diagnostics to identify problematic faces
Error Object: #f
September 11, 2023 at 5:39 am
Keyur Kanade
Ansys EmployeePlease check geometry in SpaceClaim.Select geometry in structure tree --> Use right click --> Select Check Geometry. (Or Tools - Fault Detection in DM)The geometry should be error free to proceed.If geometry has any errors, please modify/recreate geometry at those places.Once geometry is OK, please do share topology. You can find share topology information at following link:Share topology in important operation before going to Fluent Meshing. If it is failing at some places, it may give errors in Fluent Meshing about surface intersection.Now if share topology is successful and still you are getting errors in Fluent Meshing, then it could be due to insufficient sizing. Please make sure that you have applied correct sizing to capture different parts. You can find more information about sizing at following link.You can also check following videos
DM Share topology:
This video demonstrates how to use Shared Topology in DesignModeler 16.x to connect two or more bodies together to form a single, continuous body while preserving interfaces between them.Fluent Meshing Watertight Workflow:
This video provides a walk-through of the Watertight Geometry Guided Meshing Workflow for Fluent. The workflow provides a way to import a watertight or \"clean\" CAD geometry, add optional local sizing, create a surface mesh, create fluid/solid regions, and generate a complete volume mesh in a step-by-step interface.Regards,
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September 11, 2023 at 6:26 am
September 11, 2023 at 6:44 am
Aadya Goel
SubscriberAdditionally, will the mesh be accepted if there are bodies that are not connected to each other? In this file, the wheels are not connected with the body of the car.
September 11, 2023 at 7:27 am
Keyur Kanade
Ansys EmployeeFor non connected bodies, you can use non conformal interface in Fluent.
These are links in the help manual.
Please check links below my signature.
How to access Ansys Online Help Document
Guidelines on the Student Community
Fluids Engineering Courses | Ansys Innovation Courses
September 13, 2023 at 8:24 am
Aadya Goel
SubscriberIs that why the original error is coming? Because the bodies are not connected?
September 13, 2023 at 8:40 am
Keyur Kanade
Ansys EmployeeThe error is very generic. It may be due to bad geometry. Please check geometry in SpaceClaim.
Select geometry in structure tree --> Use right click --> Select Check Geometry. (Or Tools - Fault Detection in DM)
The geometry should be error free to proceed.
If geometry has any errors, please modify/recreate geometry at those places.The error may be due to intersecting bodies as well. Pelase check Interference tool in Fluent Meshing.
The error may be due to wrong sizing in Fluent Meshing. Please make sure that you provide correct sizing at various places.
Please go through help manual for more details
How to access Ansys Online Help Document
Guidelines on the Student Community
Fluids Engineering Courses | Ansys Innovation Courses
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