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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Fluent Mesh interface

    • Nawaf Rasheed



      I've 3D multiphase model, my gemortrey is quater vapor chmaber. It has two cell zone condation: Solid and fluid (Vapor & liquid water). The next image is for my geometry.

      Fluent auto generate the follwoing Boundary Condation. Unmarked boundary condation is created by me

      It's worth to mention, contect_region-src and contect_region-trg almost dispaly same gemotry

      And wall 17 & wall 18 & wall 6 shows nothing

      I'm trying to understand why?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have a look at nonconformal meshes. Ideally, go back to the geometry stage and resolve that. 

    • Nawaf Rasheed

      How can I check the nonconformal?. Can you elaborate more, please?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You have a nonconformal interface, that's not ideal here so review "share topology" and fix it. 

    • Nawaf Rasheed

      Thank you for your response

      After working on my mesh and making topology 

      Here is a result, all the boundary conditions is created by me. Except wall-part-vapor_chamber_fluid_v1.2-part-vapor_chamber_v1.3 and it's shadow


      Here is a photo of wall-part-vapor_chamber_fluid_v1.2-part-vapor_chamber_v1.3:

      Just one question here:

      wall-part-vapor_chamber_fluid_v1.2-part-vapor_chamber_v1.3 is considered as interface boundary condition, right?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Those are walls, so the boundary between the fluid and solid. In Fluent an interface boundary condition is used for connecting surface meshes that don't match but are in the same location.  One of the wall & shadow pair will bound the fluid & solid, but I don't know which. Leave the "coupled" thermal condition on that boundary pair alone unless you understand the effect of changing it. 

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