

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Fluent mesh Adaption refinement level

    • Lugia_06

      Hi everyone,

      I was trying to adapt the mesh to a higher accuracy on Fluent, however, as I set the mesh to level 4 it give exactly number of cells as the level 2 adaption. Is it normal to have this adaption result? Is there a way to adapt to slightly higher accuracy level (I also tried adapt on top of level 2 adaption, the model freaked out?)?

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      Check the Cell Refine Level Variable and check if you are constraining the adaption through min. cell volume.n
    • Lugia_06
      Hi Array,nI set the min cell volume to 0 everytime I changed level. Is there a standard way of varying the min cell size with different level?nBest regardsnLugia_06n
    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      No. Check cell refine level and if cells are marked to be refined: you cannot have neighbor cells with more than one level of refinement difference.n
    • Lugia_06
      How does the software defines more than one level of refinement difference? I adapted all the cells(region 0) only once with the same min refinement level and min cell volume. Would be possibly be a problem?n
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      The level is how many times you can adapt a cell, not how many times it will be adapted when you press the Adapt button. n
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