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Fluent Launcher Error


    • dkmenend

      When run the "Fluent 2023 R2" app on my windows, the launcher does not open it jumps straight to opening an instance of fluent in 2d dp with 10 processes. This was not always the case, it used to open the launcher. Is there a way for me to get the launcher back?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What is the command that you trigger when launching Fluent? Ie if you look in the icon properties what is set? Does the same thing happen if you launch Fluent from the Start Menu?

    • dkmenend

      I have been launching Fluent from the start menu. When I looked at the file location, it is runnning a shortcut.

      The location of the file is C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Ansys 2023 R2\Fluid Dynamics

      Under the shortcut menu, the target type is application, target location is win64, target is :"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v232\fluent\ntbin\win64\fluent.exe" -r23.2.0 -shortcut

      Let me know if there is more information I should provide. Thank you for your assistance.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Did you write a .fluent file? Otherwise find the Ansys %appdata% and rename the folder(s) to whatever_old as you may have broken something somewhere. 

    • dkmenend

      Hi, My apologies for m lack of knowledge of windows but I don't know what you mean by writing a .fluent file. When I installed the Ansys suite my school gives me access to fluent was installed and the launcher used to work properly. 

      As for the second thing you say to do, can you explain a little more what you mean?

      Thanks for all your help.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      We can write launcher options for Fluent into a file, .fluent  Mine is/was set to change temperature to Centigrade and force some older graphics defaults before they moved to Preferences. 

      The %appdata% folder are temporary files for Windows applications. These can become scrambled, and then cause applications to fail: it's generally safe to rename those which removes the retained settings and may resolve the problem. 

    • dkmenend

      Hi, Ive found a few files that i suspect are the appdata folder but I am not sure. There is:







      Any advice on which one is the AppData? Should i not be in the local folder?

      Thanks again for your help.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I'd rename any "v241" sub folder in C:\Users\diego\AppData\   subfolders     \local\ansys and \roaming\ansys as "v241_old" and see if that helps. 

    • dkmenend

      I tried the renaming. I found all the v232 folders and renamed them. Nothing has happened. Within the roaming\ansys, a new v232 folder has appeared alongside the v232_old when I launched fluent from the start menu. Any advice on what to try next?

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Diego,

      Close all fluent sessions.
      Rename the following folder:
      Does that fix your issue?

    • dkmenend

      Hi, I have attempted this and again a fluent session just opened without a launcher step. Also a new .fluentconf has appeared alongside the .fluentconf.old in the same location.

      I'm not sure if this is relevant, but the fluent session it opens is deep within a folder path.

      "C:\Users\diego\Documents\Ansys Files\Test Project_files\Spring Quarter\Shocktube"

      There is a debug file in it that says [0416/172500.525:WARNING:resource_bundle_qt.cpp(115)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale 

      about a hundred times with different numbers at the front each time. Could this be part of the issue?


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