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fluent, generate binary snapshots for twin builder static rom

    • maz123


      I have defined a parametric fluent simulation connected to a designxplorer 3D ROM. I have defined a number of design points and captured their snapshots from their fluent simulation.

      Now, I want to make a static ROM model in twin builder, and for this purpose, I need snapshots in binary format, doe.csv, and points.bin. How are those files generated? A similar question is discussed here:


      I have the same problem, but the solution above does not seem to work. It only generates a 'snpz' file which after extraction contains a csv and snapshots in romsnp format. But according to twin builder, I need snapshots in binary format, doe.csv, and points.bin. I appreciate any help on generating them.

      Edit1: in designxplorer's users guide there is a section 'Export ROM Snapshots to Twin Builder', but it is also stated that this feature is deactivated and I need to call ansys support on how to access it.

    • Edward Carman
      Ansys Employee

      Good day,

      The 3D ROM block in Ansys Workbench is based on an older implementation of the ROM tool. The recommended route for these types of ROM is to use the Static ROM Builder tool in Ansys Twin Builder.

      To generate the ROM snapshots from Fluent, you can use the ROM Builder Preprocessing for Fluent add-on package that is downloadable from the Customer Portal (note, as of today, the 2024R2 version has not yet been added, so you would need to use 2024 R1 or earlier).


      If you have already generated the data using the 3D ROM block, you can use a beta option to export it in Twin Builder format.

      1. Enable beta features in Workbench: Enabling Beta Features in Workbench
      2. Right-click on the Workbench schematic and select the "Export ROM Snapshots to Twin Builder (Beta)" item.
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