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Fluent – Diffusion coefficients in porous zone

    • Claudio Munoz

      Hi, I'm working in Fluent 22R2 and 23R2 in 2D simulations with non-equilibrium thermal model in porous zone. In the Porous zone sections of the Users guide and the theory guide it's not specified how the diffusion coefficients are calculated inside the porous zone, however, in the section about fuel cell modeling the effective diff. coef. are described implementing a porous media model (see picture attached).

      I was wondering if the same model is implemented automatically when the porous media zone cell condition is activated.




    • SVV
      Ansys Employee



      Could you please provide more information on the model you are using. If you are using species transport along with porous media modelling. The diffusivity of species is determined by the input you have provided in the material panel. Please refer to the following material for more information :8.9. Mass Diffusion Coefficients (ansys.com)

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