We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.
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Fluent 2023 R2 Free Student Software

    • nicolino.ruotolo

      Dear Team, 

      I'd been in contact with the italian Ansys support team and they suggested me to start a thread in the forum area asking for support. I'm an italian student in mechanical engineering. I'm pretty close to complete my degree thesis analysis (regarding the optimization of an aircraft ICE inlet) using Fluent software but I need another 2 full months to get it done. I started a few months ago but as I'm a worker-student I didn't get it done, yet. Since some 6 days when I start the software a message informs me that within a few days, my current fluent software will not be available anymore. Would you please help me in getting this software still availble until October 2024? 

      Thank you,



    • asustark700

      Hi Nicolino, I know the solution.

      I'm an indian student in mechanical engineering. I'm also close to complete my degree. 

      I had same issue. i did this to solve:

      1. Uninstall Ansys 2023 R2 Free Student (🚩application files only, not your project files).
      2. Uninstall Ansys 2024 R2 Free Student (✨you will get free 1 year license, this won't effect your project).
      3. Continue working on your project.

      Thank you,

      cheap person

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I'd favour the above, but you can also download the renewed 2023R2 version here https://www.ansys.com/academic/students/ansys-student under Previous Versions. That licence has been extended (you must uninstall, download new version & install). It can be useful to finish a project using the same solver version as some models may see upgrades and give slightly different results. 

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