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Floating point error in simulation.

    • niki1104


      I am trying to do a simple transient simulation of a disc flowing through the air at 15 m/s. I had set up the physics of the model as transient, gravity (-9.81 y), k-epsilon (realizable), inlet condition as velocity condition at 15m/s. Whenever I run the simulation, it results in the floating-point exception error. The disc is modeled inside an enclosure and I am unable to figure out exactly where the error lies.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      I think you need to start by checking the mesh quality. I assume you've turned on a load of mesh controls, switch them off and see what you get. You'll also want to review the advanced inflation settings.
    • niki1104
      Ah thank you so much Rob, I will do what you suggested and hopefully it works!
    • niki1104
      Also sorry, I did check the mesh quality under mesh metrics and for the most part, it was above 0.6 (which I thought was good enough? I might be wrong).

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      If mesh quality is okay ( I will trust for now that all is good), then please switch off gravity, turn on coupled solver + pseudo transient option (all steady) and give it a try.
    • niki1104
      Ahh thank you both DrAmine and Rob, both of the suggestions helped and now the simulation ran! thank you for your support! I highly appreciate it!
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