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Floating LIcense Issue

    • Altair45

      Hello, Engineers.
      I'm trying to apply the floating license from prime server to 2 servers.

      First image is the launcher license page of prime server and second image is from secondary server to apply the floating license.

      Altough I posted the IP address of prime server or the Server name, there are still evaluated version of launcher in here.

    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Altair,

      Can you send the screenshot of the error you are facing and a screenshot of your license file too?

    • Altair45

      In this image, all of the figures is used to 'Eavaluate' version. I think that the 'Evaluate' is converted to 'New', when I input the proper floating license in License window of Ansys launcher and click the 'Apply'.

      And Is the license file you mentioned the document in 'Ansys Inc/Shared files/Licensing/license files/ansyslmd.lic' ?

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