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Floating License does not work

    • rakesh


      While trying to get the floating license from the main server PC, I can find that the license is already activated however the solvers still show EVALUATE button with them.
      And further, when I copied the host information from the main PC to my PC,the problem shown below still appears.

      lmgrd is not running: License server machine is down or not responding. (-96,7:11001 "WinSock: Host not found (HOST_NOT_FOUND)")

      Please help me how I can configure the floating Lumerical license to my desktop PC.

      I would appreciate any quick response regarding this issue.

      Thank you.
    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee


      Please add entries in hosts file (take help from your IT team to add the server IP entry and save the hosts file which needs admin access)

      • Open the HOSTS file on client machine and add the license server name and IP of the license server in that hosts file.
      • Path: “ C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file “ as per the following format in your client machine :
      • Path:  For linux you can goto etc/hosts file (root access) and at the end add entries


      IP address of server             Hostname of server                 FQDN                               abc                         //IP address of server and name add in last line of hosts file.

      Replace x with IP address, abc with your servername and with fully qualified domain name.

      • Once the entry is added save the file.
      • Launch the Ansys application.
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