General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Flattening a thin shape

    • Alexander H

      I want to deform a shell structure into a flat shape and then read the stress it experienced on the surface.

      I tried this with some simple objects like halfpipes and with different methods, but it does not always work. I tried pulling it, but that only works for cylindrical objects, and crushing it on to a plate results in errors after some deformation.

      I was hoping to get some input on how to do such a simulation with Ansys or an idea how to do this better. I am thankfull for any help.


      It is not supposed to be a simulation of a real process, I just want to know, which parts of the geometry deform the most when forcing a 3D-shell to a flat state (or vice versa).

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      I would suggest to use explicit dynamics for this (static can not solve this).

      See here for a tutorial:

      ALl the best


    • Alexander H

      I cant get any solutions with explicit dynamics. This seems to be a common problem.

      The result file  cannot be opened.

      Current result file may not contain requested result data . Please clear the solution and solve again.

      An error occurred when the post processor attempted to load a specific result. Please review all messages.

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