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Topics related to HFSS, Maxwell, SIwave, Icepak, Electronics Enterprise and more.

Finding current and voltage in the coil in post processsing

    • poonamchnd23

      How can be compute the current and voltage in the coil during post-processing stage?? I have given current excitation of 1A to the face of the coil. how can i know the voltage across it??

    • Harinath Vudumula
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Poonam,

           Please assign as coil terminal and assign to winding. Then give 1A current in winding. Goto results --> category winding then select current and induced current and plot.


      Thank you,

      Harinath Vudumula.

    • poonamchnd23

      Thank for your reply.

      However, I want to know the induced voltage matrix from the simulation results. Please let me know how to do it?

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