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FENSAP-ICE Viewmerical Batch mode


    • k1025540


      I am using the viewmerical batch mode to save some data and I was wondering how I can save Ice Thickness. Is there a swimsol solution field code for it how we have 'FRFZ' for Freezing Fraction or do I need to input any equation like we do for beta or Cp values. I could not find this infomration on the manual.

      Many thanks.

      Best Regards,


    • Nilay Pedram
      Forum Moderator


      To save Ice Thickness using Viewmerical in batch mode, you would typically need to know the specific field code or set up an equation if a code is not available. Unfortunately, based on the information provided we’re not able to provide specific details about it. 
      Hope this helps - ANSYS Fluent: Postprocessing Using Viewmerical and CFD-Post with Fluent Icing - Ansys Knowledge


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