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FDTD upconverison

    • hdyang


      I am researching frequency up-conversion. 
      Is it possible to use a short source wavelength in FDTD and check the frequency-domain field and power monitors at other broad band wavelengths?
    • hdyang

      short source wavelength : 2um
      broad band wavelengths : 0.4um ~ 1.5um

    • Kirill
      Ansys Employee


      Dear Subscriber,

      By default, the DFT Monitor uses the source spectral limits. However, you can modify this as follows:


      • Navigate to Monitor Settings.


      • Under the General tab, check override global monitor settings.


      • Uncheck use source limits and set your desired range of interest.


      Please note, that due to the nature of FDTD algorithm the finite duration/bandwidth of the source is always used. See Can we use a dipole source with a single frequency?

      Additionally, refer to the article Frequency-domain Profile and Power Monitor – Simulation Object – Ansys Optics for more information.

      Best regards,


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