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FDTD optimization interrupted, and first generation script.

    • Ziyao Zhang

      I am using FDTD paritcle swarm optimization, and the optimization process needs a lot of time, however the optimization was interrupted because of the windows update. Is it possible to continue the optimization? I tried to click the continue button but it shows error obtaining parameter sweep info.

      Besides, I also want to give intial parameters to the particle swarm optimization, according to the Lumerical introduction of optimization, this can be realized by edit the "advanced-first generation scrip", however I can not write anything in the "first generation script" window, may I ask are there anyway to change the initial parameters of the optimization please?

      Thank you so much for the help!

    • Dev
      Ansys Employee


      Hello Ziyao,

      The optimization cannot be completed since the simulation has been interrupted. I’ll recommend restarting the simulation.

      By altering values at edit optimization –>Setup, initial parameters can be changed. Modify the length’s Min and Max values.  



    • Ziyao Zhang

      Hi Devika, 

      Many thanks for the reply. The initial parameters I meant is the exact value. For example, I had the best solution parameters of the interrupted optimization, but it is still not the best structure, so I want to use the parameters as the first generate parameters of the new PSO process to avoid totally random initial parameter, for saving time. Hope I expained it clearly.

    • Dev
      Ansys Employee


      As mentioned before initial parameters can be changed by altering values at edit optimization –>Setup.

      If you are using random starting values: Select Algorith "Particle Swarm" from drop down option. If you like to choose cutom values choose "User defined"

      If you choose User defined, then only you will be able to upate "frist generation script".

      First generation script is used to define initial parameters rather choosing random numbers. Those initial parametrs are assigned over setup-parameters window (see the screenshots above). If you click “test” on the script winow(bottom right corner of next generation script) you will be able to see all the asigned paramters. If you chage Min and Max value it will reflect in the 1st generation script values.

      eg: If I am optimizing length and I want to use length between 0.2 – 0.4microns rather using random starting values

       To make sure the values are changed in 1st gen script, I am running test 

      As ou can see the initial parameters changed 

      You can find more information here :Optimization utility – Ansys Optics

      Hope this helps


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