General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Fatigue Cycle Tolerance

    • louiee1907


      After the fatigue analysis, my model's cycle is 120500 cycle. I want to give tolerance, because this result can ne change in real life. How Can I find the tolerance? 
      For example, +/-10% is my tolerance, so that the life cycle will change between +10% and -10%. 

      Is there ant source for it? 

    • danielshaw
      Ansys Employee

      I am not certain what you mean by "models cycle".  Do you mean the predicted fatigue life from the simulation?  You can assess the tolerance for the predicted life using several techniques.  If you are using the Mechanical Fatigue Tool (FT), you can paramertize any result and evaluate various Design Points.  You can also use the Fatigue Sensitivity ouput to assess the variance in fatigue results.

    • louiee1907

      Firstly, thank you so much for your answer. I found the cycle which is 125000 but it is not correct cycle for  life. I want to take tolerance between 130000-120000, however I do not know the range or ratio criteria. I think, it is changing and there is no any certain ratio

    • danielshaw
      Ansys Employee

      I apologize, but I do not understand your question.  Are you using the Mechanical Fatigue Tool (FT)?  If so, please explain the set-up.  Can you attach images of the Details Window and the results?  If you are not using the FT, which software are you using?

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