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Farfield simulations on thin film, box of monitors

    • pnair


      I am working on the farfield simulations by using dipole as a source on a SiC thin film (isotropic)and then perform farfield simulations for different orientations. I was suggested by lumerical to use a box of monitors script (monitor to the substrate is deactivated and better than single monitor bacuase single monitor was not giving me correct emission patterns) on thin film to collect the emissions in all directions. So, i have generated three farfield plots for three different orientations of dipole. But, I want to verify my emission patterns to make sure that the methodology and the results are correct. So, I would like to know if lumerical has any reference(literature or any paper/article) for dipole simulations on thin film or any other structures using box of monitors so that i can use that as reference to verify my results. This would be really helpful as i am struggling to verify my results as i am not able to find a good reference for my farfield simulations on thin films/nanostructures using dipole souce.

      This is the cross section of thin film with dipole source and box of monitors


      This is far-field emission pattern i have generated for the x-dipole orienation.





    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      Farfield projection from dipole source is challenge, since the near fields spreads all over the space. Using the suggested box monitors (5 monitor) works fine, as it picks all the upper radiations.  This is from principle from physics. However I did not find any published papers describe how such box monitors work, except our example.

      Not sure what your goal is. If you want to get the extraction effiicency from such thin film device, you can use stack function, which is analytical:



      here is comparison with FDTD  https://optics.ansys.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042713433-FDTD-vs-stackdipole-halfspace-emission-in-a-multilayer-stack



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