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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Fan rotation using Fluent Meshing , Error : “Activate Global Domain”

    • harsh.sonavane21

      Hey everyone, I am trying to rotate a ceiling fan using MRF approach. I have created the enclosures in design modeler and performed the needed booleans. I have the fan body around which i extruded (add frozen) enclosure as MRF, and I also have a wall like a test chamber adjacent to the fan, and then I created the outermost domain as well. I want to create mesh interface in setup using the "mrf_inner_wall" and "mrf_outer_wall" .After moving to fluent meshing, I enable dead zone for the fan blades cavity created in the MRF and the adjacent walls, but i select the fluid zone option for MRF zone (mrf_inner_wall), the external zone just attached to MRF due to boolean from external domain to MRF (mrf_outer_wall) and the whole outer domain itself. I get this error continuously during volume meshing:

      Compute processes interrupted. Processing can be resumed.
      Error at Node 0: SIGSEGV(segmentation violation)
      Error at Node 7: SIGSEGV(segmentation violation)
      Error at Node 2: SIGSEGV(segmentation violation)
      Error at Node 1: SIGSEGV(segmentation violation)
      Error at Node 3: SIGSEGV(segmentation violation)
      Error at Node 6: SIGSEGV(segmentation violation)
      Error at Node 4: SIGSEGV(segmentation violation)
      Error at Node 5: SIGSEGV(segmentation violation)
      ===============Message from the Cortex Process================================
      Compute processes interrupted. Processing can be resumed.
      Error at Node 1: tg-orient-face-zones-by-closed-region: wta[1](zone) [23]
      Error at Node 0: tg-orient-face-zones-by-closed-region: wta[1](zone) [23]
      Error at Node 6: tg-orient-face-zones-by-closed-region: wta[1](zone) [23]
      Error at Node 2: tg-orient-face-zones-by-closed-region: wta[1](zone) [23]
      Error at Node 3: tg-orient-face-zones-by-closed-region: wta[1](zone) [23]
      Error at Node 7: tg-orient-face-zones-by-closed-region: wta[1](zone) [23]
      Error at Node 4: tg-orient-face-zones-by-closed-region: wta[1](zone) [23]
      Error at Node 5: tg-orient-face-zones-by-closed-region: wta[1](zone) [23]
      Error: An error occured during task update
      Auto mesh failed.
      An error occured during task update
      Some zones required for this computation are not in active domain.
      Activate global domain to proceed
      Some zones required for this computation are not in active domain.
      Activate global domain to proceed
      Some zones required for this computation are not in active domain.
      Activate global domain to proceed
      Some zones required for this computation are not in active domain.
      Activate global domain to proceed
      Error Object: #f
      Error: state/object/execute-command:Exception encountered in S_ExecuteTask: An error occurred during task update
      Auto mesh failed.
      An error occured during task update
      Some zones required for this computation are not in active domain.
      Activate global domain to proceed
      Some zones required for this computation are not in active domain.
      Activate global domain to proceed
      Some zones required for this computation are not in active domain.
      Activate global domain to proceed
      Some zones required for this computation are not in active domain.
      Activate global domain to proceed
      Error Object: ()
      Error: Some zones required for this computation are not in active domain.
      Activate global domain to proceed
      Error Object: #f

      I have attached the screenshots , Please help.


    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      MRF approach works best with a conformal interfaces between the MRF and the adjacent enclosure.

      I would recommend sharing topology between these zones and having an internal-type boundary between the two.

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