3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

fail to perform unite boolean opeation and create enclosure using imported SolidWorks CAD Model

    • Taeioum

      Currently I am working on a project that needs to generate a fluid flow simulation on a cyclist riding a bicycle. I have created the CAD model in SolidWorks. I then went to ANSYS 16.1 and imported the assembly file. After clicking the generation button, it seemed the model was successfully imported (with a green tick next to "import"). Since I was doing the external flow simulation, I need to create a fluid domain, and hence I tried to unite the bodies together first (I am not sure if unite is actually needed), the unite boolean operation came with a warning:


      Warning: No overlap or wrong types

      Context: Geometry Engine, while generating Feature Boolean 1.


      However, since there is a cyclist in my model, and I need to make different configuration of different postures, I must need to use assembly by joining different body parts, and thus there must be overlapping between the body parts.

      I tried to continued to generate enclosure, and also tried to delete the Untied Boolean Operation and generate enclosure, but both resulted in failure of creating the enclosure.

      May I know what would be the possible fix of this issue? Thanks in Advanced!

      I have attached the zip of SolidWorks Model (2018version), as well as the .agdb file (just imported, no boolean and enclosure) in case you could not open SolidWorks.


    • Taeioum

      It seems that I could not upload the zip file, I would put down a dropbox link instead:


    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      as ansys employees we can not download attachments. please insert images. 

      please upgrade to r19.2. we support only two previous versions. 

      please go to tools - analysis tools - fault detection and check if geometry has any errors. if it has any errors then it may fail in boolean oeprations. 

      please remove errors and try again.

    • Taeioum

      Thanks for your reply. I am sorry that I didn't know the rule that employees cannot download attachments. 

      I afraid that r19.2 may not be available for me, since 16.1 is the only version that my school has a license of. 

      Nonetheless, I would post the images of my model. Please Help me if you are available.

      1. My model in SolidWorks:


      2. Model imported in ANSYS:


      When I tried to unite all bodies, warning occurred. It occurred in between pedal and feet. These are the image of the problematic geometry (only one location is shown):


      Also, another problematic geometry appeared when I attempted to unite the calf, thigh and body. It occurred at the joint between body and thigh.

      The Unite boolean operation:


      Problematic Geometry (again, several images for only one position):


      I hide other irrelevant bodies:


      Please see if you could help. Thanks a lot.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You probably have a small gap between the bodies. Can you do the unite & enclosure part in Solidworks (if you're more familiar with that tool) and then read the fluid volume into DM from there? 

    • Taeioum

      Thanks for your advance. It seems that let SolidWorks to do the job is a better approach than using DesignModeler in ANSYS. I will take this. Thanks a lot.

    • browner900

      Hello Taeioum, I was wondering if I could please use your model for a drafting simulation I am trying to run for a college project?

    • peteroznewman


      Taeioum's Dropbox still has Model.zip available for download. Check the link at the top of this discussion.

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