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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Facing problem of getting interior velocity vector line during simulation

    • tasneemmatsust2017115

      I am facing a problem simulating fluid. After completing calculation when I am trying to find the interior velocity vector line  in graphics tab section, I do not find the interior volume option to select in surface tab. There is only 3 options avaiable to select inlet, outlet & wall. There is no interior volume option to select whereas in boundary condition tab it is showing interior volume option. Now how can I get the interior volume option in the surface tab so that i can get the vector lines of interior velocity?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You really don't want to display vectors on the whole interior. At best it's a mess, at worst you'll crash the graphics and need to reboot. 

      Do the tutorials to see the use of planes and isosurfaces in post processing. 

    • tasneemmatsust2017115


      Give me tutorials links to create issosurface or planes


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please click on Help in Fluent and Learning for tutorials. You'll find a range of post processing options and ideas in those, so do a few. 

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