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Extrude a face zone in Fluent?

    • admin
      Ansys Employee

      How to extrude a face zone in Fluent?

    • cbhavsar
      Ansys Employee

      The ability to extrude a boundary face zone allows you to extend the solution domain without having to exit Fluent. A typical application of the extrusion capability is to extend the solution domain when recirculating flow is impinging on a flow outlet. The current extrusion capability creates prismatic or hexahedral layers based on the shape of the face and normal vectors computed by averaging the face normals to the face zone’s nodes. You can define the extrusion process by specifying a list of displacements (in SI units) or by specifying a total distance (in SI units) and parametric coordinates. mesh/modify-zones/extrude-face-zone-para mesh/modify-zones/extrude-face-zone-delta Note: This text command is not available in the parallel version of ANSYS Fluent.

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