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Extracting Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram for Shell Elements

    • mlefkiou


      I am currently having an issue.

      I am currently using the 2021R1 version of ANSYS under a static structural project involving a three-cargo hold ship model. The model is composed of shell elements and beams, with connectivity established using the batch connection feature in ANSYS Mechanical’s mesh structure tree.

      I have successfully obtained stress results and other outputs required for the analysis. However, I have not been able to extract the Bending Moment and Shear Force diagrams at transverse sections along the ship’s length.

      These diagrams are essential as they are needed for subsequent loading adjustments based on the shear forces and bending moments I get from my analysis results.

      Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagrams

      After researching in many ANSYS forums and in the internet, I found from other FEA program that this is possible. For example, see relevant link:

      How to make free-body cuts of your model in Abaqus - TecnoDigital School

      I was unable to find a similar feature in the ANSYS. The Shear Forces and Bending Moments must be produced by the stresses / nodal forces occured in the model.

      Could you advise if there is a way to implement a procedure to obtain these diagrams in ANSYS?

      I have attached screenshots showing an example of the bending moment and shear force diagrams I aim to achieve for longitudinal sections of the ship with transverse cross-sections and my ship model in ANSYS. Note that my model is only a three cargo hold mode, thus not all the structure of the ship has been modelled.Ship Model in ANSYS Mechanical

      Thank you.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee




      This shows how to get section forces and moments in 3D (solid) models :

      All the best



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