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Extracting and Organizing Temperature Data from Unstructured Mesh in ANSYS Fluen

    • omar.aly

      Hello everyone,

      I recently conducted a CFD simulation in ANSYS Fluent and analyzed the temperature distribution by generating a contour map on a specific plane. My objective is to extract the temperature values from this plane and arrange them into a structured matrix in Python for further processing, including the calculation of the heat transfer coefficient.

      I managed to export the temperature data as an HDF5 file, but I encountered some challenges. The data consists of 20,736 temperature values at specific x and z coordinates. Also, the mesh used in the simulation is unstructured, with finer regions in specific areas, leading to repeated coordinates. This makes it difficult to organize the values into a proper matrix.

      Given these issues, could you suggest a better approach to extract and arrange the temperature values in a structured format that would allow easier processing in Python? Additionally, are there any built-in tools or scripts within Fluent that can help pre-process or arrange data before exporting, which might save time on the Python side? Any tips on handling data from unstructured meshes or dealing with repeated coordinates would be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you for your assistance!

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      You can export your solution on the nodes or cell center . You will find this Option in the Export Solution Data dialog page. 3.14. Exporting Solution Data after a Calculation

      For Python related question, I would suggest you submit your questions to the Developper Forum. Fluids - Community Forum

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