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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Exporting Particle History Data

    • DXS200048

      Hi I would like to export particle history data like x,y z velocity and position on fluent. The availabe format when I click FILE>EXPORT>PARTICLE HISTORY DATA are are CFD post, fieldview, ensight and geometry. How do I export it in excel file? It should be simple but I couldn't figure it out.

    • nobrien

      Yeah, the DPM stuff in Fluent doesn't give you a nice output like that in the file menu. You should try Results -> Discrete Phase -> Sample...

      The menu looks like this. You can pick any boundaries in your model. It should write the x, y, z, u,v,w, Diameter, etc. of any particle that touches/crosses the boundaries that you pick. If there's a value you want to write to the file that is not with the default, you can write a user defined function and hook it to the "Output" in this same menu. 

    • nobrien

      I should add that this will only export the particle landing locations; trajectories/tracks will not be exported. You could export tracks to a file using the fieldview format because it is all a text file, but you would need to write a script to go through it for your own purposes.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You can also have a look in the Particle Tracks panel - there's a report function to give trajectory data. 

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