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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Export the Full time transient data to Ansys CFD-Post

    • qjaxod13


      I would like to post-process the transient state calculation result data obtained from FLUENT.

      Instead of doing this within FLUENT, I want to proceed in ANSYS CFD-Post.

      In FLUENT, I saved the data file through the following steps: File → Export → Solution Data → File Type (CDAT for CFD-Post & Ensight).

      After importing the above data file into CFD-Post, only the last time step appears.

      I want to know how to import all the time steps. Thank you.

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee


      when you export or write solution data in Fluent, each file stores the data for a single time step. If you want to have data over several time steps, you will need to write multiple .dat/.cdat files.

      You can set Autosave from the Solution tab to write your data at specified intervals over the course of your Fluent simulation.

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