General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Export Nodal Coordinate

    • Phihong

      Hi everyone,

      I am using ANSYS Workbench, and I am trying to export nodal coordinates after deformation.

      I tried: Tool ==> Option ==> Export ==> Include Node Locations ==> Yes.

      Then I create Name Selection for Nodes that I want to export the coordinates.

      The problem is: The X, Y, Z values of coordinates are still the same with the values before deformation. It means the coordinates are not updated after deformation.

      There are some ideas that create APDL Comments in ANSYS Workbench, such as: GET,NODENUM,NODE,,NUM,MAX. But I dont know how to do it.

      Please kindly help me, thank you.


    • Sandeep Medikonda
      Ansys Employee


      What version are you using?

      If you are using v19.1 or later (might work with earlier ones too). Right click on the solution and add an object, say, total deformation then right click on the added object and select export to text file? This should generate a text file which contains the nodal co-ordinates of the deformed shape in the first 3 rows.


    • peteroznewman

      Here is one way, I'm sure there are better ways.

      Insert a directional deformation result for X axis, and another one for Y axis and a third one for Z axis.

      Each one of these has the deformation that can be added to the original coordinates of the node.

      Below I assembled those three files in columns in a spreadsheet.

      There is an elaborate process to follow if you want to update the nodal coordinates to the deformed position described here.


    • Phihong

      Thank you very much SandeepMedikonda and Peteroznewman,

      Now it works, the form of columns is totally similar to Peteroznewman's spreadsheet.

      Best regards,

    • dinhan0394

      In Mechanical Workbench, you can get Nodal coordinate after deformed through User Defined User with function: LOC_DEFX, LOC_DEFY, LOC_DEFZ.

      You will have 3 results (Deform_X, Y, Z), then export to text file and merge all into one file.

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