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Explicit Dynamics. Problem with opening result file

    • Nadiia Kopiika

      Hello everyone. I am currently working on modelling of RC Beam in Ansys (2020), Explicit Dynamics and I have got following messages :
      The result file D:\Modelling\RC_CFRP_Dyn_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\admodel_0_0;adres cannot be opened.

      Current result file may not contain requested result data D:\Modelling\RC_CFRP_Dyn_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\admodel_0_0;adres. Please clear the solution and solve again.
      An error occurred when the post processor attempted to load a specific result. Please review all messages.
      Does anyone can help me with this?

    • Sampat Kumar
      Ansys Employee

      Have you cleared the solution and tried to solve it again? Are you facing these difficulties in all the output results? Are you able to start your analysis or not?


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    • Nadiia Kopiika

      Hi, I cleared the solution and tried to solve it again several times, but it did not work. I could start the solution , and it proceeded and I had such error in the end. These difficulties are  in all the output results. I have added the scrin of solver output. There is no information about convergency (as it was in Static Analysis)

    • Chris Quan
      Ansys Employee

      The Solver Output shows "Wrapup time reached", which means that the model has been run to the end time successfully. You should have the results and be able to plot them.

      Explicit Dynamics system uses Explicit Time Integration, which requires no convergence check. However, time step has to meet CFL criterion to ensure the numerical stabilibty (convergence). The CFL criterion is enforced by the program automatically.


    • Nadiia Kopiika

      However, I can not plot any results. There are messeges like: 

      The result file D:\Modelling\RC_CFRP_Dyn_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\admodel_0_0;adres cannot be opened.

      Current result file may not contain requested result data D:\Modelling\RC_CFRP_Dyn_files\dp0\SYS\MECH\admodel_0_0;adres. Please clear the solution and solve again.
      An error occurred when the post processor attempted to load a specific result. 

    • binayak.bhandari

      I have exactly the same problem. Were you able to resolve the problem? If so how did you do that?


      Best regards,


    • Nadiia Kopiika

      No, I still have this problem

    • Chris Quan
      Ansys Employee

      The correct path should have "." in stead of ";" in front of the adres. 

      Here is yours:


      The correct path should be


      I also noticed that in your Analysis Settings all "." are replaced by ",".

      Can you check your computer system setup to make sure "." is used?


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