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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Explicit Dynamics: Erosion, Differentiated Geometric Strain Limit (T/C)

    • jfernandez

      When using the erosion option, is it possible to define a differentiated gemetric strain limit for different types of loads, that is, assign different values for tension and compression? For example, 0.2 for tension and 0.3 for compression.

      Kind regards, and thank you in advance.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      Perhaps if forum members can not provide feedback here in this forum (which is about Mechanical, APDL and Implicit),

      I would suggest to also post this in the Explicit/LS-Dyna forum (under my Channels).

      All the best



      • jfernandez

        Thank you, Erik, for your response. I will keep looking for options, and if I find it, I will leave it here.




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