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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Explicit dynamic

    • Vishwajeet Kashyap

      I have done the explicit analysis in two steps in two workbench. I put linkage between the solution of first workbench to model of second workbench.I want to parameterize the output of first workbench to the input of second workbench. Please help

    • Lydia Lymperopoulou
      Ansys Employee
      Hello, The problem you are describing looks like it can be approached differently depending on your scope. You can ,for example, do a parametric study or do data transfer through an external data set-up. Could you at first give me an insight on you ending goal?
    • Vishwajeet Kashyap

      I want output of  Cell B after processing results as the input of of Cell C for parameterize

      • Lydia Lymperopoulou
        Ansys Employee

        You can chain an output parameter to an input parameter to allow an input to be driven directly from the current value of an output, provided that the chaining does not create a circular dependency.

        To chain an output parameter to an input parameter:

        1. To view the parameters, double-click the Parameters cell of a system or the Parameter Set bar

        2. In the Outline pane, to the right of New input parameter, click the New name cell and type a name for the parameter.

        3. Click the New expression cell and type either a constant value or expression for the parameter.

        4. Update the project, system, or Parameters cell to register the changes and return the values of the output parameter. Note that an update operation can be lengthy, depending on the analysis details.


        In the screenshot you can see how an expression is best to be defined.



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